Friday 18 November 2011

Treasure Box

The school bell was ringing, the boy who wore white jacket came to school late . the door was opened , why are you came too late this morning asked the teacher. I found little accident sir, said the boy, what the earth is that ? asked the teacher. I forgot to fullfill my motorcycle fuel said the boy. Aaargh it just your big mouth reason take the seat and do not come late again or your grade would be died !!! asked the teacher okay sir i promised said the boy. Then he took the seat.

The mumbling teacher made him talked with his other friend. What are you looking that moron said the boy who wore red jacket. LOOK OUT !!! There are something bright at two o’clock direction !!!! asked white jacket boy Where is it ? look under chair. OH YEAH What the heaven is that !!!! The pink One !!!. Yes it is Amazing Treasure Box. Oh No, it is closed again, that my lucky saw that said the boy.

The class was ended then someone kept the treasure box was accidentially opened. Everyone was laugh. The boy still laugh until he left the class.

By Lutfi Hendrayana Pratama

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